ORCID: 0000-0002-2884-6628
Confronting the Democratic Discourse of Librarianship: A Marxist Approach. Library Juice Press, 2019.
Galina Ustvolskaya: Transgression and Orthodoxy in Soviet Music. Carleton University, 2011. Amicus No. 40777948. (MA Thesis).
Chapters in Edited Collections
“The Proletarianization of Academic Librarianship”, in Academic Librarianship in Canada: Post-COVID Perspectives in a Neoliberal Era, Edited by Jessica Hanley, Harriet Sonne de Torrens, Joanna Szurmak, and Meaghan Valant, Athabasca University Press (forthcoming).
“Linked Data and Transindividual Ethics: An Essay in the Politics of Technology”, in Ethics in Linked Data, Edited by Alexandra Provo, Kathleen Burlingame, and B.M. Watson, Sacramento: Library Juice Press (forthcoming).
“The Problem of Neutrality and Intellectual Freedom: The Case of Libraries”, in The Free Speech Wars, Edited by Charlotte Lydia Riley, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020.
“‘Ruthless Criticism of All That Exists’: Marxism, Technology, and Library Work”, in The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship, 39-66, edited by Karen Nicholson and Maura Seale. Library Juice Press, 2018.
“Agile Open-Source Discovery: Blacklight with the Ebsco Discovery Service”, in Exploring Discovery: The Front Door to Your Library’s Licensed and Digitized Content, edited by Kenneth J. Varnum, Chicago: ALA, 2016: 73-82.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“Compound Brain or General Intellect? Paolo Virno’s Transindividualism.” New Proposals (2021).
“Canadian Librarianship and the Politics of Recognition.” (2021). Partnership 16(1): 1-23.
“Wittgenstein and Intellectual Freedom”. (2021) Journal of Radical Librarianship 7.
“The Antinomies of Academic Freedom: Reason, Trans Rights, and Constituent Power.” (2020) Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 6.
“Proxying the Data Body: Artificial Intelligence, Federated Identity, and Machinic Subjection” (2020) Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education 15(1): 35-50.
“’The Power of Knowledge, Objectified’: Immaterial Labor, Cognitive Capitalism, and Academic Librarianship” (2019) Library Trends 68(2): 153-173.
Libraries, Labour, Capital: On Formal and Real Subsumption, Journal of Radical Librarianship 4 (2018): 6-9.
Other Writing
“Worldiness and Freedom in the Academy.” AAUP Academe, May 2023.
“Can Academics Strike?” Culturico, January 28, 2021
“Lawful Neutral”, Real Life Magazine, September 9, 2020.
“Red Librarian” blog (2016-2020).
“Libraries, ‘Democracy’, and Intellectual Freedom”, Organizing Ideas, Episode 24, April 20, 2020
“Politics of Librarianship”, SHOUT for Libraries, September 29, 2019
“Politics of Libraries”, No Librarians Allowed, Episode 3, April 1, 2018
“Politics in the Library”, SHOUT for Libraries, s01e04, January 20, 2017
"Coding, Pedagogy, and Humanism”, Digital Pedagogy Institute, University of Toronto - Scarborough (2015)